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行業(yè)法規(guī)首頁 >> 行業(yè)法規(guī) >> 一文讀懂中國民航危險(xiǎn)品運(yùn)輸法規(guī)的基本要求


出處:www.smxms.com   分類:行業(yè)法規(guī)  發(fā)布:2022/4/28 15:43:26
摘要:中國民航危險(xiǎn)品運(yùn)輸要求 Air DG Rules of China 中國的危險(xiǎn)品貨物航空運(yùn)輸遵守國際民航組織和中國民航的相關(guān)危險(xiǎn)品運(yùn)輸......

中國民航危險(xiǎn)品運(yùn)輸要求 Air DG Rules of China

中國的危險(xiǎn)品貨物航空運(yùn)輸遵守國際民航組織和中國民航的相關(guān)危險(xiǎn)品運(yùn)輸規(guī)定,各機(jī)場各航空公司具體程序流程可能不同。本文介紹了中國民航危險(xiǎn)品運(yùn)輸法規(guī)的基本要求,即《民用航空危險(xiǎn)品運(yùn)輸管理規(guī)定》,也稱為CCAR 276-R1或交通運(yùn)輸部令2016年第42號。

Chinese company must compliance to ICAO TI and CAAC requirements in dangerous goods air transport, and perhaps each airport and airlines has their detail procedures. the article illustrate the requirements based on CAAC DG rules: civil aviation dangerous goods transport administrative regulations (CCAR 276-R1, also name it China DOT 2016 No.42 order).


according to ICAO and CAAC rules, all the person involved in the transport of dangerous goods (DG for short), include shipper and cargo agent, must pass DG training.



Shipper’s DG training syllabus filed in CAAC.

2: 大綱備案后,中港危險(xiǎn)品貨運(yùn)托運(yùn)人通過在中國民航局備案的危險(xiǎn)品航空運(yùn)輸培訓(xùn)機(jī)構(gòu)培訓(xùn)并合格,具備1類資質(zhì)。

After syllabus filed, shipper’s employee must pass category 1 DG training from a CAAC filed DG training school.

3: 承攬貨物的銷售代理人:操作人員應(yīng)具備中港危險(xiǎn)品運(yùn)輸人員3類資質(zhì),中港危險(xiǎn)品貨代銷售代理人危險(xiǎn)品培訓(xùn)大綱須得到其所代理航空公司的認(rèn)可(此為航司的認(rèn)可,不需向民航局備案,因此民航局官網(wǎng)無此信息)。

Cargo sales agent employee must pass category 3 DG training from CAAC filed training school. The syllabus must approved by agent’s airlines.(the airlines approval are not showed on CAAC website as it need not filing to CAAC).

4: 貨物的承運(yùn)航空公司必須得到民航局的危險(xiǎn)品運(yùn)輸許可,可能是許可所有類項(xiàng)的中港危險(xiǎn)品運(yùn)輸,也可能是許可部分類項(xiàng)別,具體看許可范圍。

the dangerous goods carrier airlines must be approved by CAAC, the approved scope maybe all class and division of dangerous goods , and or approve specified class and division.

5:承運(yùn)航空公司將其認(rèn)可的貨物運(yùn)輸鑒定機(jī)構(gòu)名單向民航局備案,托運(yùn)人將危險(xiǎn)品貨物樣品送交承運(yùn)航空公司認(rèn)可的鑒定機(jī)構(gòu)出具航空運(yùn)輸鑒定書(注:某些疑似危險(xiǎn)品的貨物例如粉末或液態(tài)貨物也需要出具鑒定書證明其是危險(xiǎn)品或非危險(xiǎn)品,航空運(yùn)輸鑒定書類似?;贩ㄒ?guī)體系的安全數(shù)據(jù)說明書即SDS, 中港危險(xiǎn)品空運(yùn)鑒定書必須由第三方專業(yè)鑒定機(jī)構(gòu)出具)。

Carrier airlines to filing their approved DG identification company list to CAAC, Shipper send goods samples to carrier airlines approved DG identification company, get the DG identification report.

Note: in China, the DG identification report is similar to GHS safety data sheet (SDS), the report must be issued by third party DG identification company. and some suspected DG such as powder or liquid cargo also need identification report to determine it is DG or not restricted cargo.


the ground handling agent who accept and store cargo(normally is the cargo departure airport cargo terminal) must be filed in CAAC, the filing scope maybe all class and division of dangerous goods , and or filing specified class and division.



Attention: cargo sales agent can’t be the same company with shipper. And this requirement perhaps will be delete in CAAC new CCAR 276-R2 (public aviation dangerous goods transport administrative regulations) in future.


After ensure above work, the shipper can consign dangerous goods to cargo sales agent, the sales agent to arrange transport plan, and then hand to airport cargo terminal,finally load on flight.(文章及圖片素材均來源于網(wǎng)絡(luò))

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